University of Wisconsin - Madison

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  • Annual Meeting, Reception, and Speaker

Annual Meeting, Reception, and Speaker

  • Tue, May 20, 2025
  • 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
  • UW Arboretum, 1207 Seminole Highway
  • 53



The UWRA Board of Directors is excited to invite you and your guest to the Annual Membership Meeting, and Reception at the Arboretum Visitor's Center.  This is your chance to reconnect and enjoy each other's company.  

A brief 45 minute tour will be offered by Arboretum staff, beginning promptly at 3pm, meet at the Visitor Center. Indicate your interest when registering.

Free snacks will be offered. As usual we will have a new member table.

This year's speaker is Patrick Bohlen, Director of UW Arboretum. 

From 2010-2022, Bohlen was director of Landscape and Natural Resources and Arboretum at University of Central Florida (UCF). As director, he oversaw landscape design and operations, natural lands management, and student and public engagement with the campus’s nature-based programs. Under his leadership, the UCF Arboretum implemented a student leadership development program that now includes nearly 60 student interns and co-coordinators per semester.

Bohlen’s research interests have spanned ecosystem ecology, agroecology, urban ecology, and wetland ecology. His current research focuses on the ecology and conservation of pollinators and other insects in urban ecosystems. Earlier in his career, he studied the effects of earthworms on nutrient cycling in a variety of ecosystems. His post-doctoral research was focused on soil processes and plant-soil feedbacks in northern hardwood forests.

Bohlen, who received his PhD in entomology from The Ohio State University, began his leadership role at UW–Madison on Oct. 20 and as Arboretum director will report to the Vice Chancellor for Research.

Donations to UWRA will beaccepted to defray the cost of the event.


Food Pantry Contributions:    Open Seat Food Pantry.   

Both cash and checks payable to UW FOUNDATION will be accepted.  Please enter "Open Seat Food Pantry" on the memo line. 


  • Advance registration is required.
  • Registration deadline:   April 21, 2025
  • You are encouraged to register online. 

Questions? Call or Email:  

UW-Madison Retirement Association

21 N Park St, Room 7205

Madison, WI 53715-1218



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UW-Madison Retirement Association

21 North Park Street, Room 7205

Madison, WI 53715-1218


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