Richard Steeves, Emeritus Faculty from the UW Med School and Tom Eggert, Emeritus Faculty from the Nelson Institue will share perspectives on the future role of nuclear power. Richard heads up the local group "Rethinking Nuclear" (see and has been an advocate for greater use of nuclear power.
Tom taught classes through the WI School of Business and the Nelson Institute on the role of business in creating a sustainable future and led the Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council. They share a concern for the risk of climate change, both now and in the future, but they diverge on their embrace of nuclear power. Come listen to a new spin on the old argument of whether or not nuclear power deserves to be included in the future energy mix.
Dr. Richard Steeves is an Emeritus Professor of Radiation Oncology at the UW School of Medicine. He currently heads up the group "Rethinking Nuclear" which promotes nuclear power as a way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Since 2010 he has also been leading a discussion group called “Pathways to a Sustainable Planet”, for PLATO. His experience in handling X-rays and radioactive isotopes, both in the USA and at the Curie Institute in Paris, prepared him for delving into the potential benefits of atomic energy for solving our impending climate crisis. Cleaning up our generation of electricity is a good way to start, for transportation as well as for home and industrial use. Dr. Steeves drives an electric car and flies an electric airplane.
Tom Eggert has emeritus status at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where he developed classes in sustainability and systems thinking. He taught the first class on sustainability at UW in 1994 and has received numerous teaching awards. He served on the UW task force that created the Office of Sustainability, he was a Fulbright Scholar to Latvia (where he taught classes on sustainability) and he was one of the co-developers of the School of Business’ certificate in Business, Environment & Social Responsibility. In 2008, he founded the WI Sustainable Business Council, and served as the Executive Director until his retirement in 2018. In addition, he founded and oversees Wisconsin Microfinance; a non-profit that raises money for microloans.
If you have preliminary questions for the speakers, please email them in advance to program coordinators Tom Eggert at by Thursday, March 16.
Food Pantry Contributions:
Checks payable to UW-Foundation, with "Open Seat" on the memo line may be mailed to UWRA, 21 North Park Street, Room 7205, Madison, WI 53715-1218.
Registration Deadline: Monday, March 20
Advance registration is required. You are encouraged to register online. To register by phone or email, call the Association office. If you or your guest registered for this seminar but cannot attend, please cancel your registration online, or email/call the UWRA office.
NOTE: The weblink and virtual call information will be included in the meeting reminders registrants receive.
UW-Madison Retirement Association
21 N Park St, Room 7205
Madison WI 53715-1218