University of Wisconsin - Madison

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  • Economic Outlook: Inflation, Recession or Both? (zsp)

Economic Outlook: Inflation, Recession or Both? (zsp)

  • Wed, December 14, 2022
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Virtual
  • 219


Registration is closed

Will the recent U.S. economic rebound turn to recession because of continuing supply chain issues and COVID variants? Can expansion restore the pre-crisis economy? Are fundamental changes in the jobs market apt to cause long-term disparities? Might monetary contraction lead to a recession? Get answers to these and many more economic and financial questions at the next UWRA economic presentation

Join us when Steve Rick, Chief Economist for CUNA Mutual, helps us understand what really is going on with the U.S. economy. Steve is one of our most popular presenters, so this promises to be an enlightening and entertaining session on our economy.

If you have preliminary questions for the speaker, please send to Program Coordinator Joan Gillman at by Wednesday, December 7, 2021.

Food Pantry Contributions:

Checks payable to UW-Foundation, with "Open Seat" on the memo line may be mailed to UWRA, 21 North Park Street, Room 7205, Madison, WI 53715-1218.

Registration Deadline:  Friday, December 9


Advance registration is required.  You are encouraged to register online.  To register by phone or email, call the Association office. If you or your guest registered for this seminar but cannot attend, please cancel your registration online, or email/call the UWRA office.

NOTE:  The weblink and virtual call information will be included in the meeting reminders registrants receive.

UW-Madison Retirement Association
21 N Park St, Room 7205
Madison WI 53715-1218

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UW-Madison Retirement Association

21 North Park Street, Room 7205

Madison, WI 53715-1218


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