Please join us at the East Side Club for the UWRA March Luncheon and Morning Program. We begin the morning with Scott Seyforth, Assistant Director of Residence Life for Academic Initiatives at University Housing, presenting “The Life and Times of Carson Gulley.” UW-Madison chef Carson Gulley was a celebrated figure in the mid-twentieth century known for his groundbreaking efforts crossing racial barriers as a culinary instructor, radio and television celebrity chef, and a pioneer in the local struggle for equal housing. Scott will share a short video he wrote and produced about Carson Gulley. And to top off the morning, we have arranged to serve Carson Gulley’s famous fudge bottom pie (actually a tart for ease of delivery) for dessert at an additional cost of $3 per person!
We are honored to welcome Kristen Roman, Chief of Police/Associate Vice Chancellor of the UW-Madison Police Department, as our luncheon speaker. From her first year, she will share what she’s learned and how her vision of reaching HIGHER–an acronym that stands for Honor, Integrity, Guardians, Health, Empathy, Respect–has shaped the department’s core values. Chief Roman will also share how she sees the future of UWPD and the future of law enforcement in this country. Learn more about her vision of police officers as guardians and how that translates to community policing.
Pantry Contributions
The pantry recipient for this event will be the Personal Essentials Pantry. We will happily accept cash and checks made payable to that organization.
New Member Table
If you are new to UWRA or have attended one or two UWRA luncheons or events, we welcome you. There will be a luncheon table for new attendees to meet board members who will welcome you to UWRA and answer any of your questions or concerns. Look for the table tent saying “New-Member Table.”
The luncheon buffet will be catered by Cranberry Creek. There will be a choice of meat lasagna or vegetarian lasagna served with a tossed salad and assorted dressings, garlic toast, and beverages of coffee, iced tea, milk, and water. Include your order for delectable fudge bottom tarts on the registration form below.
Sifter 2-18 Registration Form.pdf
Payment of $17, plus $3 for dessert if applicable, per person. Please make checks payable to UW-Madison Retirement Association.
Mail checks to
UW-Madison Retirement Association c/o Division of Continuing Studies
21 North Park Street, Room 7205
Madison, WI 53715-1218
Questions? Call 262-0641. Please mail in time to arrive no later than March 16.